14 Quick Anxiety Reducers


Here's 14 quick anxiety reducers for you - no frills and minutes to apply.

1. Talk about it with someone
2. Get outside and enjoy the weather
3. Write down what you're anxious about, and put it in a jar labeled "Anxieties."
4. Don't drink caffeine or consume sugar, which will spike the anxiety
5. Take a hot bath
6. Exercise
7. Journal about it
8. Try to tap the feeling of fear inside your body to dissolve some of the anxiety
9. Play out the "worst-case scenario" in your head or write it down.
10. Counteract the worst-case scenario with alternative positive scenarios.
11. Validate yourself if the anxiety is about something concerning you and your performance
12. Meditate
13. Do yoga
14. Get into your body, and get out of your head

If you’re interested in learning more about the Anxiety counseling , or if counseling might be right for you, please feel free to contact me directly or visit our Anxiety counseling section for further info.

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