Getting Your Emotional Needs Met

Here's a video to help you identify, communicate and get your emotional needs met in your marriage or primary relationship
I've talked about these 6 things, to help you get your emotional needs met by your spouse or partner:
1. Identification of your feelings and needs by being specific.2. Identification of barriers to communicating your feelings, such as fear, people pleasing, an unavailable partner, children, etc.3. Making your approach right is everything: speak from your vulnerability, not focusing on your partner and her deficiencies, setting a time to sit down and talk4. Appreciate the "negative cycle," and its effects in getting your emotional needs met: the vicious cycle of behaviors, thoughts and feelings that create conflict in your marriage.5. Recognize and don't stuff, hide or run from your feelings.6. Meeting your own emotional needs when your partner can't: creating presence through direct contact with your emotions in the here-and-now. If you’re interested in learning more about the Couple and Marriage counseling , or if counseling might be right for you, please feel free to contact me directly or visit our women counseling page for detail.